Fault Diagnostics

YES we DO repair VNT Turbochargers !!

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Turbo Torque

The Turbo Blues

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I just fitted the turbo & it's still blowing smoke!

Probably the most frequent question I've been asked over many years and more often than not by mechanics because in fairness they may rarely repair a turbocharged vehicle...


Turbocharged Vehicle Maintenance

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How often should I service my vehicle?

To state the obvious, "follow the vehicle manufacturers guidelines", would be the easiest way to write and finish this article, however in my opinion, most vehicle manufacturers do not deliver enough information to the purchaser of a turbocharged vehicle...


The Impotent Turbine Shaft

Turbine Wheel Head-Droop

Why is there a howling noise from my turbo when I accelerate?

There are a few possibilities such as a momentary lack of oil slightly wearing the bearings and causing imbalance or impact damage to one of the wheels, however the most common cause for a howling type noise is head-droop...

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